Hedy Lamarr was an elegant Austrian-American actor of the “Golden Age” 


She was born on 9 November 1914, Vienna, Austria-Hungary to Emil Kiesler and Gertrud 

Her birthname name was Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler 

Lamarr was a gifted mathematician, scientist, and an ingenious innovator  

“She invented frequency hopping”that change frequency from one to another frequency  

The US navy rejected her invention beacuse of lack of proper test

Her idea was used only in 1962 for a Cuban blockade 

She patented her invention in 1942

Her invention was behind modern-day WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth communication systems. 

She starred in dozens of films mostly remembered for her roles in Algiers and Samson and Delilah 

On 19 January 2000, aged 86 Lamarr died in Florida due heart problem